
Sold out items

The items displayed below may still appear on our printed catalogue but are currently sold out.
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Iris chrysographes 'Ellenbank Nightshade'
(EM) Our selection of the species with numerous deep navy-purple flowers in the summer. Vigorous and easy in any reasonable soil, sun or part shade. 45cm. high.
Price: £6.90
Notes: Somewhat poisonous; skin irritant
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Iris chrysographes 'Mandarin Purple'
A superb hybrid, with very free flowering habit, producing dark, true-purple flowers held well above the foliage. 50cm. high.
Price: £6.90
Notes: Somewhat poisonous; skin irritant
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Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise'
Strong grower with highly scented dark lavender-blue flowers. 70cm. high.
Bee friendly
Price: £6.90
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Potentilla alba
A favourite, very neat, low ground-cover plant with grey-green lupin-like leaves topped by lots of orange-eyed white flowers. Spring to early summer flowering, repeating in late summer to autumn. Sun or part shade. 10cm. high.
Bee friendly
Price: £6.90
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Veronicastrum virginicum 'Erica'
One of my favourite Veronicas, which I use extensively in the walled garden. Totally upright spires and soft colour blends well in most plantings. Spikes of mid-pink flower open from dark buds. July to August. 100cm. high. Easy in most soils.
Bee friendly
Price: £6.90
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Viola 'Kitty White'
Vigorous and long lived perennial habit, masses of pale blue flowers fading to white in the centre, from May until the frosts.
Price: £5.00
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Viola cornuta 'Alba'
A very vigorous white form. Excellent ground cover, even in shade. Seeds itself in the most inhospitable places in the garden.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
RHS Award of Garden Merit
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