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Viola 'Kitty White'
Vigorous and long lived perennial habit, masses of pale blue flowers fading to white in the centre, from May until the frosts.
Price: £5.00
Sorry, sold out for this season

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Viola 'Louisa'
A strongly scented Viola, purple flowers suffused with dusky pink and a contrasting yellow eye. Unusual and vigorous. Clumps 35-40cm. across.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
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Viola 'Martin'
A very old cultivar with deep violet-blue flowers and a yellow eye. 3cm. across. Very neat perennial habit.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Viola 'Mauve Radiance'
Deep lavender-mauve flowers 4cm. across with yellow eye. A very vigorous & long lived plant. Very useful where a simple pure colour is required.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
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Viola 'Primrose Queen'
(EM) A seedling from V.'Ivory Queen' very scented, with palest creamy-yellow flowers, just a shade darker than Ivory Queen and with the same strongly perennial habit.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
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Violetta 'Little David'
Creamy-white slightly frilled flowers, 3cm. across. Vigorous & long lived plant, strongly scented.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
RHS Award of Garden Merit
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The following Viola cornuta cultivars are very hardy perennial plants. They will form large clumps which may easily be increased by division. Ideal for rockeries or at the front of herbaceous borders.
Bee friendly
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Viola cornuta 'Alba'
A very vigorous white form. Excellent ground cover, even in shade. Seeds itself in the most inhospitable places in the garden.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
RHS Award of Garden Merit
Sorry, sold out for this season

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Viola cornuta 'Belmont Blue'
Lovely very pale sky-blue flowers, 2.5cm. across, all summer. Very vigorous & makes good ground cover.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00
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Viola cornuta 'Cleopatra'
(EM) Superb cultivar making a large perennial clump to 50cm. across. Scented, pale cream flowers with contrasting deep violet rays and spur.
Bee friendly
Price: £5.00